Bright Shorts Please : )

I wanted to get this post up tonight, since I will be busy with exams the next few days! A few days ago, I wore these blue shorts from American Eagle. I adore them so much! I believe I bought them on sale for $24.99 about a month ago. I did not have anyone around to take a picture for me, so this is what I have to show :
Who needs to see my face anyways! It is all about the shorts girls : )

I decided to just wear a plain white v-neck (Forever 21) with the shorts, and a long necklace from Forever 21. It is adorable; I will have to feature it in another outfit soon, but up close! I wore boring, black flip flops from Old Navy. Yesterday, I wore a shirt that I really was on the fence about. I bought it at JCPenny last weekend, and decided to wear it. The pictures I took did not turn out how I wanted them to, so this is all I have to show:

 I wore this with jean shorts!

 The shirt is so bright!

A little bit of sunshine anyone?

Let me know what you think about the shirt. I am still not sure if I like it on me. Thanks for reading!