The t-zone is commonly shown to be similar to the shape of a capital T. This means that most of the forehand (top of the T), nose, and chin are in the t-zone. For me, this also includes areas on either side of my nose, but not completely onto my cheeks.
For my skin type, I focus on balancing the oil production in my skin, and controlling/preventing breakouts. I look for products geared toward those things, so here are a few of my favorites!
(Going clockwise): For face wash, I highly recommend Cetaphil Dermacontrol Oil Control Foam Wash
or Aveeno Positively Radiant Cleanser. Both do a good job of cleansing the skin without over drying, which is great for keeping oily skin in balance. When I was using Aveeno, I noticed some redness from my skin seemed to vanish while using the product. For moisturizers, I love the Cetaphil Dermacontrol Oil Control Lotion and the Beyond Belief ABH Facial Serum. I am not sure I could pick my favorite of the two, but I can tell you that these products make a huge difference in the health, oil production, and appearance of my skin! When it comes to an eye cream, I can't say I have ventured too far out in trying a lot of brands. I have a few higher-end brands that I would like to try, but for now, I have been using the Dermactin-TS Serious Dark Circle Treatment (which I love!)After using this {morning and night} my under-eye area feels so moisturized! When I am breaking out, my spot treatment of choice is the Clearasil Rapid Action VanishingTreatment Cream. This stuff is magic...I am not even kidding! I also use something else as a spot treatment, but I will get to that soon!
I am ALL about face masks! I own more than these 4, but these are the ones that really make a difference in my skin. I clearly like the Freeman brand-having two just in this post (and more in my skincare drawer!) I recently purchased the Freeman Charcoal and Black Sugar Mask...and holy crap. Not only does it smell amazing, but when I wash it off my skin, I have the healthiest glow! The Freeman Avocado and Oatmeal Mask is great really cleans out your pores, but is less exfoliating than the previous mask mentioned. The Clean & Clear Blackhead Eraser Cleansing Mask has been in my skincare routine for a long time now, mainly because you can see results with it, it leaves your skin feeling refreshed, and it works great as a spot treatment! The last mask I use is the Ageless Derma Special Clay Masque. I was given the opportunity to try this for free, and I am so grateful! I have had it now for almost 2 months I think, giving myself a good amount of time to try it, and I have to say, I adore it. I have been only reaching for this and the Charcoal & Black Sugar Mask lately. Like the Freeman mask, it really purges your pores and leaves you with glowing skin. It smells earthy-which I don't mind at all, as it is probably from the clay in it. It only has 9 ingredients, which is awesome. I think with some masks your skin has an initial purging phase; I actually had a couple breakouts pop up after using it the first time, but I have had that happen with other clay masks, and I truly believe it is caused from the mask drawing out your impurities. After using this mask (regularly I might add!) I can see a difference in my skin. I have noticed the redness in my skin has diminished as well, which could be from one or two of the ingredients in the mask? Besides working its magic all over my face, I will use this as a spot treatment. I do think that this gives the Clearasil spot treatment a bit of competition! I will be purchasing this mask once it runs out, and as long as it is sold! Side note: I usually do a face mask 2 times per week, or occasionally 3 if my skin is looking a bit rough!
The last part of my skincare routine that has done wonders for my skin is the Face Complexion Brush. I got mine from Sephora after realizing I could not spend the $150 + on a Clarisonic (spinning skincare brush).
I use this in the shower, every few nights. I usually just move the brush in small, circular motions on my face for 30 seconds at a time (forehead, chin, nose, and each cheek). I think that this paired with the impurity drawing actions of the masks has changed my skin for the better. My pores seem smaller, I have less blackheads, and the texture of my skin seems to be improved. I highly recommend shelling out the $7 for this brush, as it could be an easy but powerful improvement to your skincare routine!
I hope this was helpful! If any of you out there with dry skin would like me to research the best products for dry skin, I can do so-just let me know! Thanks for reading!
XO, Kelsey