Hi loves! It's Monday again... I just *love* how the weekend rushes by and the week sneaks up on you again (eye roll). As of the past two weeks, I have been taking it easy (no work), resting, and healing. About 10 days ago, I had a large cyst removed from one of my ovaries (laparoscopic).
Basically, this cyst came out of no where in about 3 weeks time (I had a precious ultrasound to compare to). Long story short, It was fluid-filled and I have a follow up appointment tomorrow. The pain isn't too bad at this point, but for some reason, I have this intermittent intense nausea. I haven't been taking any paid meds, so I am not sure why it's happening! I also am still very swollen, which makes for a very uncomfortable Kelsey. Anyway, I wanted to share a short and sweet outfit post! I switched up the shoes from sandals to wedges later in the evening to make it a little less casual! I hope everyone has a fantastic week!
Top: TJMAXX (can't fine, here are two cute alternatives here & here) // Jeans: Target (here) // Brown Belt: old, probably Forever21 // Booties: Report Brand (here) // Sandals: Target (here) // Wristlet: Kenneth Cole (so old, need to donate!) I love this option!
That's that! I know most of this outfit is past season items, but I tend to use outfit posts as inspiration-I rarely buy an exact piece/outfit combo (unless I truly love it!). Hopefully you find some sort of outfit inspo from this post!
Thanks for reading,
XO, Kelsey